Family Systems Training – Conferences and Courses

Family Systems Conferences

Living Systems Counselling hosts an annual conference to bring leading researchers from various disciplines to Vancouver to explore Bowen family systems theory and other fields of study.

Past Conferences

The Parent Hope Project: Supporting Parents to be the Best Resource for Their Children

Spring 2023 Online Conference

with Dr. Jenny Brown, Ph.D.
This online conference is primarily for helping professionals, and the public may find it of interest.

The recording is now available! 

Growing up Emotionally – a conference with Ron Richardson

Oct 16, 2021, 8:45 am – 4:00 pm
In-person at: 2945 McLean Management Studies Lab, SFU Harbor Center, Vancouver, BC
or Online via Zoom.

In this conference, Ron will speak, in-depth, about the way he went about growing up in his own family. He will tell about the challenges he faced and how he worked with them to achieve a new kind of relationship with his family members. He will describe the various kinds of pitfalls one can encounter in doing this work and how he managed them for himself in his family. Those attending this conference may gain insight into how to proceed with their own family work.

For more information click here.

Chronic Illness and the Family

This conference will explore how emotional process in the family can interact with the expression of certain genes in members of the family that affect our behaviour and our health. In addition, the conference will examine the possibility that modifying patterns of family interaction may alter the expression of genes linked to health and illness

Missed the Conference? Watch it online!
The entire conference is available as six online videos. You may purchase the videos by clicking here.

For more information and the conference brochure click here.

Trauma and the Family: Widening the Lens

This conference reviewed some of the current ways in which Trauma therapy is approached while broadening the lens to consider how the relationship process contributes to the overall outcome.

For more information click here

The Child’s Development of Self in the Family – A Systems Perspective

April 2015, with Dr. Dan Papero and Dr. Mark Flinn

This conference explored aspects of child development from a systems perspective.

For more information click here

The Miracle of Systems Thinking

This recent conference described such a paradigm shift with a series of lectures and illustrated its clinical applications with case presentations.

For more information click here

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Family Systems Public Courses and Programs

Living Systems Counselling provides various programs to professionals and the public to educate individuals on the concepts and application of Bowen family systems theory.

Family Systems Training: Family Matters Video Series

The Bowen Center in Georgetown, Washington DC produces a regular series of interviews on different aspects of Bowen Family Systems Theory and its application to human behaviour.  These programs are a great way to enrich one’s understanding of Bowen Theory and its practical application to everyday life.

To see all episodes click here.

The episode below, “Bowen Theory in Everyday Life”, is one of the most viewed episodes in the series.