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Pessimism is irresponsible

August 14, 2024differentiation, emotional system
We can do this
Is pessimism irresponsible? Some people think it is, but many do not. To the question "Are we doomed" Anne Applebaum replied, "Pessimism is irresponsible". That's an interesting reply and I think it aligns with a higher level of differentiation. What


July 16, 2023emotional system
un-intelligence is head in the sand thinking
How does intelligence get stupid? How is it that politicians can get involved with affairs, misuse funds, and promote false information? Many politicians have degrees from prestigious universities, so they clearly are NOT unintelligent or uneducated.

Perceptions Matter

April 23, 2023Anxiety, emotional system
perception of social threats activate social genonmic networks
Perceptions matter - just ask your genes! A newer field of study in biology is called social genomics. It is the study of how and when different genes are activated based on social interactions. On one level, it is very obvious that relationships aff

Humans Dogs and Emotional Systems

March 30, 2023emotional system
What can Parents Learn from Obedience Training? Humans domesticated dogs around 15,000 years ago. More recently, we have trained dogs to recognize the emotional state of individuals with PTSD in order to help those individuals cope with aspects of PT

How emotionally mature are you?

February 14, 2023emotional system
Emotional Maturity - What is it? A challenge with discussing Bowen Theory is that the terms emotion and emotional system mean something different from the usual understanding that equates them to feelings. Dr. Bowen believed emotions to be more like

Emotional Contagion

October 15, 2022emotional system
family system
Emotional contagion is real Emotional contagion is a field of study that validates much of what Dr. Bowen conceptualized in the 1960s. Dr. Bowen, who read widely across scientific disciplines, believed that we inherited the basis for the human emotio