Season One Episodes
Who is Murray Bowen, and what is
Bowen Family Systems Theory?
Season 1: Pre-Season Episode
This pre-season episode introduces our podcast, offering a glimpse of what to expect this season. We’ll share quick 30-second overviews of Murray Bowen and Bowen family systems theory, explaining why our hosts find it worth exploring.
- Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice:
- Catherine Rakow, Making Sense of Human Life:
- Murray Bowen Archives:
- Dr. Michael Kerr, Bowen Theory Secrets:
Systems Thinking
with Dave Galloway
Season 1: Episode 1
This podcast episode looks at the idea of systems thinking, a central topic of Bowen family systems theory. Each guest will give a brief elevator pitch of this idea, along with examples, what they find important about the idea, and takeaway resources and ideas for further thinking.
Dave Galloway has studied Bowen Theory for over 20 years, spoken at conferences, and teaches systems thinking. A certified Family Enterprise Advisor and Clear Leadership trainer, he brings decades of leadership experience in the software industry, focusing on emotional functioning in work systems. Based in Vancouver, BC, Dave is on the faculty of Living Systems.
- Kathleen Smith’s newsletter, “When You’re Too Close to the Problem:
- Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice:
Questions for continued thinking:
What are 5 or 10 other explanations you could make up for what’s happening here? If your parent/partner/kid were in the room, what would they have to say about this?
with Dr. Kathleen Smith
Season 1: Episode 2
This episode explores “togetherness,” a concept in Bowen family systems theory about how individuals relate to groups. Guests share brief insights, examples, key takeaways, and resources for deeper exploration.
Dr. Kathleen Smith is a licensed therapist and writer based in Washington, DC. She’s the author of Everything Isn’t Terrible and True to You: A Therapist’s Guide to Stop Pleasing Others and Start Being Yourself. An associate faculty member at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, she also writes the popular newsletter The Anxious Overachiever.
- Ashley Ward, The Social Life of Animals:
- Cacioppo & Patrick – Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection.
- Podcast – How Family Dynamics Play Out At Work: Morra Aarons-Mele. The Anxious Achiever. Nov 8, 2021.
- Kathleen Smith’s newsletter:
- Kathleen Smith, Everything Isn’t Terrible:
- Kathleen Smith, True To You:
- Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice:
with Dave Galloway
Season 1: Episode 3
This episode explores anxiety through the lens of Bowen family systems theory, highlighting the distinction between acute and chronic anxiety. Guests share quick insights, examples, key takeaways, and resources for further exploration.
Dave Galloway has over 20 years of experience studying Bowen Theory. He has spoken at conferences, taught systems thinking, and written extensively on the topic. A certified Family Enterprise Advisor and Clear Leadership trainer, Dave brings decades of leadership experience in the software industry, focusing on emotional functioning in work systems. He is based in Vancouver, BC, and serves on the faculty of Living Systems.
- Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice:
- Dr. Michael Kerr, Family Evaluation:
- Dr. Michael Kerr, Bowen Theory Secrets:
- Kathleen Smith, Everything Isn’t Terrible:
- Bowen-Kerr Interview #4: Interview #4
Relationship patterns (Conflict)
with Dr. Kathleen Smith
Season 1: Episode 4
This episode delves into the four relationship patterns outlined in Bowen family systems theory, with a focus on the conflict pattern. Guests share concise insights, examples, why this pattern matters, and resources for further exploration.
Dr. Kathleen Smith is a licensed therapist and writer based in Washington, DC. She’s the author of Everything Isn’t Terrible and True to You: A Therapist’s Guide to Stop Pleasing Others and Start Being Yourself. An associate faculty member at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, she also writes the popular newsletter The Anxious Overachiever.
- Kathleen Smith newsletter, “Let’s Play Family Anxiety Bingo”
https://theanxiousoverachiever.substa… - Honeybee Democracy:
- Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice:
- Dr. Michael Kerr, Family Evaluation:
- Dr. Michael Kerr, Bowen Theory Secrets:
- Kathleen Smith, Everything Isn’t Terrible:
- Kathleen Smith, True To You:
with Jenny Brown
Season 1: Episode 5
This episode explores the distance pattern in Bowen family systems theory, ranging from avoiding eye contact to cutting people out of one’s life. Guests provide quick insights, examples, key takeaways, and resources for further reflection.
Dr. Jenny Brown has worked in child and family mental health since the 1980s as a trainer, author, and researcher. Former Executive Director of the Family Systems Institute Sydney, she now leads the Family Systems Practice and Parent Hope Project. Her books include Growing Yourself Up and Facilitating Parent Agency in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
- Jenny Brown, Growing Yourself Up and Parent Hope Project:
- Harriet Lerner, The Dance of Intimacy
- Harriet Lerner, The Dance of Connection
- Robert Creech, Family Systems and Congregational Life
Notes of a Biology Watcher - Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice
with Dr. Jenny Brown
Season 1: Episode 6
This episode explores triangles, a key concept in Bowen family systems theory that explains interactions among three or more people. Guests share concise insights, examples, key takeaways, and resources for further reflection.
Dr. Kathleen Smith is a licensed therapist and writer based in Washington, DC. She’s the author of Everything Isn’t Terrible and True to You: A Therapist’s Guide to Stop Pleasing Others and Start Being Yourself. An associate faculty member at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, she also writes the popular newsletter The Anxious Overachiever.
- Harriet Lerner, The Dance of Anger
- Roberta Gilbert, The Eight Concepts of Bowen Theory
- Peter Titleman, Triangles
- Bowen Center, The Basics Series
- Bowen training networks across the globe
- Jenny Brown, Growing Yourself Up and Parent Hope Project
- Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice
with Avrum Nadigel
Season 1: Episode 7
This episode explores the over- and under-functioning pattern in Bowen family systems theory. Guests share brief insights, examples, key takeaways, and resources for deeper understanding.
Avrum Nadigel, a marriage and family therapist for 25 years, has postgraduate training in Bowen family systems theory. He is the author of three books, including Learning to Commit and It Takes More than Love (co-written with Dr. Aliza Israel). Avrum has also co-produced the podcasts Pop Parenting and The Love Examined Playlist.
- Avrum Nadigel’s website and book links:
- Kathleen Smith’s books Everything Isn’t Terrible and True To You
- Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice
Family Diagram
with Avrum Nadigel
Season 1: Episode 8
This episode focuses on the family diagram, a tool in Bowen family systems theory that maps family relationships, events, and patterns across generations. Guests share quick insights, examples, key takeaways, and resources for further exploration.
Avrum Nadigel, a marriage and family therapist for 25 years, has postgraduate training in Bowen family systems theory. He is the author of three books, including Learning to Commit and It Takes More than Love (co-written with Dr. Aliza Israel). Avrum has also co-produced the podcasts Pop Parenting and The Love Examined Playlist.
- Avrum Nadigel’s website and book links:
- Jack Butler, Ed., The Origins of Family Psychotherapy
- Dr. Michael Kerr, Family Evaluation
- Victoria Harrison, The Family Diagram and Family Research book
- Timeline App:
- Patrick Stinson Family Diagram App
- Living Systems Family of Origin workshop:
Differentiation of Self Part 1
with Amie Post
Season 1: Episode 9
This episode explores the concept of differentiation of self in Bowen family systems theory, focusing on the interaction of emotional and intellectual systems within and between people. Guests share concise insights, examples, key takeaways, and resources for further exploration.
- Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice
- Bowen theory coaches in Canada: here
- Bowen theory coaches around the world: here
- Other centers in the Bowen network: here
- Kathleen Smith, Everything Isn’t Terrible
- Kathleen Smith, True To You
Differentiation of Self Part 2
with Amie Post
Season 1: Episode 10
This episode delves deeper into differentiation of self, focusing on the forces of togetherness and individuality within individuals and groups. Guests share brief insights, examples, key takeaways, and resources for further exploration.
Amie Post, based in Baltimore, MD, is a Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in coaching, consulting, and educating with Bowen theory. She is the Interim CEO/President of the Center for Family Systems Theory of Western New York and formerly served as Executive Director of the Family Crisis Center of Baltimore County. Studying Bowen theory since 2001, she is a board member and faculty member at the Bowen Center in Washington, DC.
- Victoria Harrison, “The Belief Paper Assignment”
Family Systems Forum, Vol XXIV, No. 3, Fall 2022 - Dr. Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice:
Questions & ideas for further thinking:
- Is this an individuality force driven thing or is it a togetherness force? How would I know the difference? What would you notice if this was different? What does the family actually do in response to similar tension/challenges?
- How do you want to show up? Where do you get pulled in? Where do you lose your thinking? Where do you take the same position as the person you are with
- “Working on differentiation isn’t big grand steps. It’s baby steps and little tiny things.”