New research has found important linkages between mothers at the autonomic nervous system level. This is part of our nervous system that is outside of our awareness. The linkage process starts in the womb and continues after birth. This process affects the mother’s well-being and the infant’s development. It’s also systems theory in action.
Calming Cycle as Co-Regulation
Calming Cycle Re-Programmed – Family Nurture Intervention
- significantly improved FNI maternal caregiving behaviors at 36 weeks (Hane et al., 2015)
- decreased maternal depressive and anxiety symptoms in infants assessed at 4 months of age (Welch, Hal- perin et al., 2016).
- FNI infants showed highly significant increases in EEG power and decreases in EEG coherence at term age in frontal areas associated with socio-emotional outcomes that predict improved out- comes (Hane et al., 2015; Myers et al., 2015; Welch, Myers et al., 2014).
- FNI infants also showed significantly improved social relatedness, attention, neurodevelopment, and decreased risk for autism spectrum disorder at 18 months corrected age (Welch et al., 2015, from Welch 2017)
Emotional Connection – the start of Emotional Programming?
Thank you for your interest in family systems.
Dave Galloway
You can find out more about the Family Nurture Intervention here.
Learn more about Bowen family systems theory here.
(1) I took the above quotes from Family Therapy in Clinical Practice, Jason Aronson, Inc. Kindle Edition.